The God-Shaped Hole

Haidt has been invited to speak to various Christian organizations and universities and has “found a point of commonality.” “I’m always up front that I’m an atheist,” he explained, “but I say to them: I agree with you that there is a God-shaped hole in everyone’s heart.” That line reflects the sentiments expressed by Saint … Continue reading The God-Shaped Hole

The Pluses of Religious Observance

The study neither encourages nor discourages religion, and the research does not bend to favor one faith over another. Regular attendance was the study’s common denominator, no matter whether one was entering a mosque, temple, church or synagogue. But clearly and convincingly, the research found something unique in the faith experience and the communities that cultivate … Continue reading The Pluses of Religious Observance

Ministers: Process Over Position

Thriving in ministry requires reflection, creativity and adaptability. It requires that we honor the wholeness of who we are by recognizing that our physical health, mental wellness, relational stability and vocational clarity all serve and support our call. When we over-attend to one element to the detriment of the others, it is difficult to thrive. … Continue reading Ministers: Process Over Position